What are the advantages and disadvantages of third-party warehouse delivery?

Now more and more people are engaged in the e-commerce industry. For some e-commerce companies, they do not have the strength to manage a warehouse to store goods like a large e-commerce company, so it will be handed over to a third party. , So what are the advantages and disadvantages of third-party warehouse delivery?

1: Advantages of third-party warehousing

As a third-party warehousing, it must be an expert in business. If we choose a third-party warehousing, then we can spend most of our time and energy on the company's core business, which can greatly reduce the company's human resources and costs. At the same time, third-party storage companies have stable and professional storage staff with a clear division of labor, and can provide high-quality warehousing and logistics services.

Third-party logistics warehousing can save a certain amount of cost, because some small e-commerce companies will not spend a lot of money to buy, and update storage management systems, storage equipment and other storage facilities, which is not conducive to delivery and picking, and increases Consumers' return rate, but third-party professional storage companies have professional storage equipment, which can save a lot of costs, avoid wrong delivery and missing delivery, and greatly improve work efficiency.

During the big promotion period, the third-party logistics warehouse can quickly perform a series of operations such as sorting, packaging, review, and delivery when receiving orders, which greatly improves the speed of delivery.

Two: Disadvantages of third-party storage

The threshold for third-party warehousing investment is relatively low, and the service efficiency and service quality of each warehousing company can't afford to vary, so we must have a pair of discerning eyes in the selection, and don't be deceived by some small third parties, resulting in a The goods rate is not high, and the return rate is high.

If some bad warehousing companies have problems in the operation process, it will cause the company's reputation to decline, and the company's performance will also decline.

The above are the advantages and disadvantages of third-party warehousing and delivery, I hope it will be helpful to you.